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Hale Building for Transformative Medicine | 60 Fenwood Road | Boston, MA 02115

Undergraduate Students

We welcome undergraduate students to work full-time at the bench on a project with a postdoctoral fellow for a summer. The lab is also happy to host local area students wishing to do research for credit if this option is available to them through their home institution. This is an excellent opportunity to get hands on bench experience and learn the practical basics of experimental design. If you are interested, please send your CV/resume along with the email address for three references, at least one must be from a supervisor in a work setting, to Dr. Charles.

Contact Us

    Graduate Students

    If your program allows you to consider a thesis in the lab, please email to inquire about available space.  The lab has a long track record of supervising Master’s thesis students from the MAMS program at Boston University and we welcome any interested students to contact us in the late winter for an anticipated summer start date.

    Postdoctoral Fellows

    Graduate students interested in applying for a postdoctoral position should contact Dr. Charles.

    Visit Us

    Hale Building for Transformative Medicine
    60 Fenwood Road
    Boston, MA 02115

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